Why Your Website Needs Evergreen Content

Imagine creating content for your website that constantly brings in new visitors long after you’ve created it.

Well, you don’t have to imagine it. That kind of content is real. It’s known as evergreen content.

And its value is in its name. Learn more about evergreen content and how it can help your website.

What is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is content that is accurate, relevant, and useful long after its publication date (McCoy, 2023).

This is the type of content that can always be considered “fresh” for visitors. No matter how much time passes, this content will always remain relevant and not outdated.

Some examples of evergreen content are:

  • How to create a content marketing strategy.
  • How to write a blog post.
  • Listicles
  • Case studies
  • How to build a website.
  • FAQ pages.

As you can see, these topics can always draw in new visitors to your website. They can always be considered “new” to someone who’s starting their entrepreneurship or content creation journey.

How Evergreen Content Helps Your Website

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what products or services you offer.

You never know where a new visitor is in their buying journey.

Let’s say that you’re an IT service provider. Several different types of people could come across your website.

  • Small business owners who need a cybersecurity plan for their devices.
  • E-commerce business owners who are looking for disaster recovery plans for their websites.
  • New writers who are looking for cloud computing services.

Adding evergreen content can address the questions that these groups may have about your services. Even better, it can introduce you to a wider audience of people looking for similar information.

Driving More Traffic To Your Website

With evergreen content, you have content on your website that is reliable and sustainable (McCoy, 2023).

Evergreen content is relevant to a wider range of people. Because it revolves around topics that can still be relevant over a longer lifespan, it can draw in larger amounts of people for years to come.

If you include SEO guidelines in your content, it can also help boost your website high on certain search results pages.

Another benefit of evergreen content is that it’s inclusive. Different types of content appeal to a unique group of people.

Instead of isolating a group of people, evergreen content revolves around topics that the general public would find interesting.

Bringing Awareness To Your Audience’s Problems

Evergreen content can also help your website by making your audience aware of their specific problems.

You don’t know where your audience is in their buying journey. They may not even be aware that they are suffering from a certain problem.

They may know that a problem exists but don’t necessarily know how to resolve it.

When you provide evergreen content on your website, you’re letting your audience know that you see them. You know what problems they’re dealing with and you know the best solutions to them.

How To Create Evergreen Content

So, what are some tips you want to keep in mind for creating evergreen content?

Consider Your Topics

Keep your audience at the forefront of all of your content. What topics are they interested in?

What information do they need to know to solve their problems? What general information do they need to know about their problems?

Next, think about the longevity of your content. Is your topic something that people will revisit for years to come?

When you think about the relevancy of your topics and how they help your audience, you’ll always have topics to choose from.

Use SEO Guidelines

Make sure that your content follows SEO guidelines.

One common SEO guideline is incorporating keywords in your content. This is where research is your friend.

You want to use a keyword tool to help you find the highest-ranking keywords for your content. You also want to make sure that these keywords consistently rank high in search results.

Keywords that rise and fall over time may not help your evergreen content over time.

Another thing you want to keep in mind is the search intent behind your keywords. The search intent behind a keyword or phrase can change weekly.

Write For Beginners

Another tip to keep in mind is to create content with a beginner’s journey in mind.

Evergreen content is just that – evergreen. It’s content that new and advanced people can refer back to for years to come.

When creating your content, break your topic down like a fraction. Think about themes that someone new to the topic would need to know.

Then break those themes down into different headlines. Using headlines is another SEO guideline that can help with readability. It can show your audience what each section is about.

Keep The Content Simple

Finally, you want to keep your content as simple as possible.

What does that mean? Avoiding any technical jargon in your content.

Even if your audience is familiar with your content, you don’t want to alienate any new visitors from reading your pieces.

And using formal, complicated language is one way to alienate an audience.

You want to make sure that all pieces of your content are credible and easy to understand.

The simpler your content, the more appealing it will be for your audience.

Final Thoughts

Evergreen content can do so much for your website.

It can help establish you as an authority in your industry. It can help drive more traffic to your website.

It can help build stronger connections with your audience.

When creating content for your website, think about creative ways to add evergreen content to your website.

If you’re looking for additional content to add to your website, check out my blog post How Cornerstone Content Can Improve Lawyers’ Websites – Valeria Publications.

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


McCoy, J. (21, April 2023). What Is Evergreen Content and Why It’s Important For SEO. SearchEngineLand. Retrieved from What is evergreen content and why it’s important for SEO (searchengineland.com).

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I’m Brandee

I’m a Legal Content Writer and a Digital Marketing Detective. I solve digital marketing problems for law firms, tech companies, and authors. If that’s you, let’s connect!

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