How To Write A Better Article Than AI

Last year, I wrote in my blog post Content Writers, You’re Not Getting Replaced By An AI. Here’s Why – Valeria Publications that writers have nothing to worry about with AI.

And I stand on that.

Now, barely even a year later, we’re starting to see the truth behind those words. The difference between AI-generated content and organic content is night and day.

 It’s safe to say that people can notice the difference between the real and the fake. Readers and artists can tell when an eBook or a piece of art is AI-generated or not.

However, companies still aren’t budging. They’re still going to make the most out of AI programs. It’s just that now they want the best of both worlds.

They’re looking for writers with experience in AI.

And that’s what this blog post is all about. I’m going to show you how to write a better article than AI.

Your Strengths as a Writer

When writing your article or any piece of writing, start with your strengths.

As a writer, there are several strengths that you have against any AI program.

Connecting With Your Readers Through Emotion

One of your biggest strengths is human emotion.

Now you may be thinking, I’m a technical writer. Why do I need to write with emotion?

Even if your writing is informal, emotion has everything to do with your writing. At the very least, you need to understand the emotions of your target audience.

And that’s something that Chat GPT can’t do. It doesn’t matter how much information can be regurgitated when no one cares about the information.

And that’s what your writing can do.  It becomes a bridge to what your target audience is feeling and how your information can help.

Establishing a Connection With Your Readers

Another strength that you possess is the ability to make a connection.

Again, information without purpose is irrelevant. I can write a blog post on getting out of debt. But if my audience isn’t trying to get out of debt, it’s not going to matter.

This is another thing that Chat GPT can’t do. It can’t determine where a target audience is in their life.

There are three stages of a problem:

  • Acceptance
  • Awareness
  • Solution seeking.

Your writing should be geared toward helping your audience understand their problems and how to solve them. The more you share how much you know about your audience’s problems, the better you can establish a connection with them.

Entertaining Your Readers

Last but not least, your last strength is the ability to entertain your readers.

As a writer, you know about the importance of grabbing your readers’ attention. There are several ways that you can grab (and keep) your audience’s attention.

  • You can start your writing off with an interesting fact.
  • You can ask your audience an interesting, thought-provoking question.
  • You can write an interesting story for your audience.

While Chat GPT can offer information about storytelling or share interesting facts, it doesn’t know how or when to incorporate those elements in a piece of writing.

Even the words you choose to include in your writing can bring a level of entertainment.

Now that you know your strengths, I’ll show you how you can use them to write a stunning article.

Establishing A Connection Through Your Writing

For the next three parts of this blog post, I’ll write about the benefits of legal marketing. I will share screenshots of Chat GPT’s responses and show how I would customize them.

I typed in the question “What is legal marketing?” and received the following response:

Nothing wrong with this response, right?

While the question is answered, it’s very robotic. Here is how I would rewrite this information:

“As a legal professional, you understand how important strategy is for your career. So why would you not have a strategy for your legal marketing?

It’s true that as a legal professional, you must adhere to certain legal ethics and regulations. But there is still a way for you to promote your brand, expertise, and services that can help attract new clients to your business.

That’s what legal marketing is.

Legal marketing is a strategy that lawyers and law firms can use to increase visibility, credibility, and client referrals. Legal professionals can take advantage of content creation, networking, and online advertising to promote their services in a natural way.”

While rewriting this passage, I focused on making a connection with my target audience: legal professionals. I centered legal marketing around their concerns – maintaining legal ethics while remaining professional – and shared how it helps them meet their professional goals.

Connecting To Your Audience’s Emotions Through Writing

In this section, I will talk about the benefits of legal marketing. When I typed this question into Chat GPT, here is the response I received:

Now, how would you use this information to connect to your readers’ emotions? I would write something like this:

“As a lawyer, you spent so much time and money becoming an expert in your field. Your practice shouldn’t have to suffer because of bad marketing.

But that’s exactly what will happen if you don’t have a system to help you market your practice consistently.

Legal marketing is a system that can help you do just that. It can help handle those pesky little marketing problems that you don’t want to deal with every day.  

What are the benefits that come with legal marketing?

  • Client acquisition.
  • Brand awareness.
  • Credibility and trust.
  • Relationship building.
  • Differentiation.
  • Increased revenue.
  • Referral generation.
  • Client education.
  • Thought leadership.

All of the daily marketing responsibilities – client retention, promotion of services, and thought leadership – can be more easily managed with legal marketing strategies. With these strategies at your disposal, meeting new clients and maintaining great relationships with current clients will be easier to do.”

With this passage, I kept my audience’s emotions in mind. I know some lawyers have mixed feelings about marketing their services online. I also thought of potential feelings that my audience would have towards marketing.

Some lawyers may understand the importance of marketing for their law firm. It doesn’t mean they enjoy it or know how it benefits their law firm.

That was the lens that I used to structure the information from Chat GPT. I catered the information on how it can resolve their marketing problems.

Entertaining Your Audience Through Writing

Finally, I will show how you can write an entertaining piece around legal marketing. In this section, I asked Chat GPT about some examples of legal marketing:

Here is how I would rewrite this information:

“Picture this. A client walks into your office. She asks for your expertise concerning a potential premises liability issue. Once you’ve discussed the potential courses of action to take, you ask how she came across your law firm. She tells you that she came across one of the recent premises liability blog posts from your website and wanted to learn more.

The next day, another client walks in. He says that he came across your law firm’s social media page and wanted to learn more about pursuing a car accident claim.

The next day – you guessed it – another client comes in asking for your expertise. This time, it’s one of your former clients. She tells you that her sister was recently attacked by her neighbor’s dog and she sent your contact information to her. What prompted her to remember you? That newsletter that you sent to her email a few days ago.

All of these examples are examples of legal marketing. While legal marketing can consist of traditional advertising like television ads, it can also consist of digital marketing tactics like content marketing and email marketing.

All of these strategies can be used to promote your law firm authentically.”

With this passage, I decided to tell a story. Storytelling is one of the most entertaining ways to share information. What lawyer doesn’t want to hear a story about clients coming into their office back to back?

Final Thoughts

If you’re a writer, I hope this practice showed you two important truths:

  • What you do with the information presented to you is what matters, not the speed at which you can retrieve it.
  • You should never be envious of a tool that you can master.

To learn more about my feelings on AI, check out my blog post Content Writers, You’re Not Getting Replaced By An AI. Here’s Why – Valeria Publications.

What are your thoughts on AI? Share in the comment section below.

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I’m Brandee

I’m a Legal Content Writer and a Digital Marketing Detective. I solve digital marketing problems for law firms, tech companies, and authors. If that’s you, let’s connect!

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