The Black Press Saga: Revelations From James Baldwin: The FBI File

In any other community, it would be hard to believe that a public figure is being spied on by the FBI.

For the Black community, however, it’s not. All you need to do is study the Black Panther Party to see how diabolical the FBI is to Black activists.

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and other Black civil rights leaders were the targets of J. Edgar Hoover’s racist wrath. But there’s one Black leader whose FBI profile has been condensed down to a book.

James Baldwin, one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century.

What were some of the most interesting things I found out about James Baldwin while reading this book? Let’s find out.

5 Interesting Things I Learned From James Baldwin: The FBI File

No, it’s not a joke. This book is the actual FBI profile of James Baldwin.

It’s a summarized version of his nearly 2,000-page FBI file.

So, what’s the big deal? What’s so intriguing about an FBI profile?

Everything. There are stories behind the paperwork. There’s a history here that shows a different side to James Baldwin that we may not have known.

Here are 5 things that I found interesting from James Baldwin’s FBI file.

His Words And Actions Had Power

Photo taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer

While the majority of the book contains information gathered during the Civil Rights Movement, the FBI was alleged to have started collecting information on Baldwin dating back from 1944.

Why? Well, Baldwin’s writings revealed the truth about race relations in America. His novels and essays revolved around the dangers of White terrorism and the envy of Black people’s resilience.

You can imagine that the FBI wouldn’t want that message to spread amongst the Black community.

In addition to his writings, Baldwin was an activist in the truest sense of the word. He traveled to dangerous Southern states like Mississippi to speak at events held by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

And you can see copies of his letters written to these organizations in the FBI file.

Because of his unapologetic and transparent nature, Hoover and other FBI officials would describe him as a radical.

He Called Out Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

Another interesting fact was how courageous Baldwin was.

In his FBI file, there’s a copy of an opinion piece by Warren Rogers, a Washington correspondent of the New York Journal American.

During a meeting with several Civil Rights intellectuals in May 1963, Baldwin didn’t mince his words with Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. He criticized the Attorney General for failing to realize the historical differences between Irish and African Americans, specifically failing to realize that the latter still had to beg for justice.

Kennedy was so embarrassed by Baldwin’s criticism that he may have requested all FBI records on him.

This incident could have been one of many that incited Hoover and the FBI to continue surveillance on Baldwin.

He Publicly Condemned Hoover And The FBI

Photo taken from

In another act of courageousness, Baldwin publicly condemned Hoover and the FBI during an uncensored New York press conference.

In September of 1963, Baldwin declared that the FBI was a hazard to the Civil Rights Movement and that Hoover granted segregationists power over the Justice Department.

This comment happened after a bit of censorship from the United States Information Agency (USIA). The agency decided to delete Baldwin’s comments about the FBI from the transcript of a government-sponsored television program.

And Baldwin didn’t stop there. At the same press conference, he went on to blame Hoover for the Birmingham church bombing.

He also stated that African Americans had no cause to have faith in the FBI.

After these negative comments, Hoover and the FBI set their sights on establishing Baldwin as a genuine national threat. Which leads to the next interesting fact about Baldwin.

He Was Declared A Dangerous Individual

After his justified comments about the FBI, Hoover ordered FBI officials to create a thirty-nine-page report reminiscent of a biography. This report contained information such as Baldwin’s birth, education, marital status, and citizenship.

The only difference is that this report was biased. It was written from the perspective of Hoover’s communism paranoia. He described Baldwin as a security threat who was a serial ally of radical groups.

The report also contained the compiled data that the FBI collected while spying on Baldwin. Pictures of Baldwin in Selma and correspondence between him, Malcolm X, and Elijah Muhammad were included in the report.

His affiliations and his freedom of speech were enough for Hoover to declare him a terrorist. The more he spoke out against the FBI, the more he became one of America’s most wanted.

The FBI Was Intimidated By Baldwin’s Intelligence

Photo taken from the National Museum of African American History and Culture

Finally, it’s no surprise that the FBI was intimidated by a conversation with James Baldwin.

Hoover and other FBI agents were notorious for interviewing people on the FBI Security Index and intimidating them. But they avoided an interview with Baldwin at all costs. Why?

Well, according to a report from the New York office in March 1964, it would be an embarrassing situation for the Bureau.

The office stated that Baldwin’s position as a prominent author and personal involvement in the Civil Rights movement is reason enough to believe that any attempt to interview him would prove embarrassing to the FBI.

Who knew a writer could be so powerful?

Keep that in mind. A Black writer had an entire government agency intimidated about engaging in conversation with him.

Final Thoughts

Like I said before, there are so many stories behind the paper trail.

These are just some of the interesting things I learned while reading this book. If you want to read more about James Baldwin’s FBI surveillance, click on the link to my affiliate shop here:

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


Photo under His Words And Actions Had Power: Why James Baldwin still inspires 30 years after his death (

Photo under He Publicly Condemned Hoover and the FBI: J. Edgar Hoover – The Mob Museum.

Photo under The FBI Was Intimidated By Baldwin’s Intelligence: James Baldwin | National Museum of African American History and Culture (

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