A Complete Guide To Content Marketing: What You Need To Know In 2024

Marketing is constantly changing.

In the past, only certain items could be marketed to the masses. Today, just about anything can be advertised in the right way. Especially content.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a global company, or even a nonprofit organization, you need content for your business.

What do I mean by content? Why do you even need it for your business? And what falls under the umbrella of content?

All these questions will be answered on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

Just kidding. But continue to read more about all things content marketing.

What is Content Marketing?

Let’s start with knowing what content marketing is.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy used by businesses to distribute relevant content to a targeted audience.

What does this look like in real life?

  • A pet care company sending out newsletters about the best natural recipes for dogs.
  • A chef posting cooking videos on YouTube for her subscribers.
  • A cosmetologist creating a marketing eBook for other hairstylists.
  • An IT service company posting blog posts on cybersecurity topics for their customers.
  • Law firms creating FAQ pages that answer their clients’ most asked questions on their website.

As you can see, content marketing can come in many forms. That’s what makes it so awesome.

You can create audio, visual, and even written content for your business.

What Can Content Marketing Do For Businesses?

Just like everything else, business transactions have changed over time.

Let’s say you have a choice between going to Starbucks or the mom-and-pop coffee shop around your way. Would you choose Starbucks? Maybe, for various reasons.

But don’t count the mom-and-pop shop out. There’s a personal touch that they provide that Starbucks can’t.

And the same goes for online businesses. People are online for so many reasons. Everything is searched for online before a decision is made. You could be shopping for the latest discounts one minute and researching potential symptoms of a sickness the next.

You want whoever is going to do business with you to be able to find your business’s website. And that’s what content marketing can do for your business.

Better Customer Relationships

Creating content can help establish trust with your customers. Your customers aren’t going to take the time to express their problems to you.

It’s up to you to not only address their problems but provide a solution to them.

You can publish creative content that answers your customers’ problems and addresses their needs.


Content marketing is also a great way for you to educate your customers.

You can have the best product or service in the world. It doesn’t matter if your customer doesn’t know how it can solve their problem.

And if your customer isn’t even aware that they have a problem, then it really won’t matter.

Content marketing is an intentional way to let your customer know that

  • They have a problem
  • Their problem is affecting them in a variety of ways
  • There is a solution to that problem
  • Your product or service is the solution to their problem.

Bullseye Marketing

Ask any business owner who has used traditional advertising about their experiences.

Nine times out of ten, they’ll probably describe it as taking a shot in the dark. Purchasing a large amount of ads with no guarantee that there will be a return on their investment.

With content marketing, you get the satisfaction of knowing that your target audience is being directed to your website or social media channels. The people who are interested in whatever your content is about are the ones who will engage the most with it.

Even better, there are tools you can use to track your content and determine your customers’ engagement.

All these benefits help give your marketing a clearer direction.

Endless Creativity

Finally, content marketing can help your business stand out in an authentic way.

It’s true. All businesses need to produce content for their websites or social media platforms. But not all content is created equal.

There is no one who can bring the unique that you can bring to your content. That’s what is going to help you find your target audience.

There are a million blog posts, videos, and podcasts online. But are all of them written, edited, or recorded in the same way? No.

You can create content that’s unique, creative, and thought-provoking for your customers. Something that will make your customers remember you long after they’ve logged off.

And as I wrap up, I’m going to share some of the most creative content that businesses use for content marketing.

What Types of Content Can Be Marketed?

If you want to take your content marketing more seriously this year, you must know what type of content you want to create.

Fortunately, you have so many options at your feet.

Some of the most common forms of online content are:

  • Blogs. These are conversational pieces of written content used to discuss a range of topics.
  • Videos. These are visual pieces of content used for quick engagement.
  • Newsletters. These are written pieces of content that share valuable information to a target audience.
  • Audiobooks. These are recorded forms of content that customers can listen to at any moment.
  • Infographics. These are short graphic visuals that distribute valuable information in an appealing way.
  • Podcasts. These are visual or recorded forms of content that customers can engage with at their convenience.
  • How-To Guides. These can be written, visual, or recorded content that show a customer how to achieve a certain goal.

Final Thoughts

You know what content marketing is, how it can help your business, and what types of content you can create.

Now all you need to do is figure out how to create the right content marketing strategy for your business. Which is what I’ll talk about in the next blog post.

In the meantime, share your comments about content marketing in the comments section below.

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I’m Brandee

I’m a Legal Content Writer and a Digital Marketing Detective. I solve digital marketing problems for law firms, tech companies, and authors. If that’s you, let’s connect!

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